Civil Partnership Advice

Civil Partnership is the legally-registered relationship for same-sex couples giving them rights comparable to married heterosexual couples. Call us if you need civil partnership advice.
If you are not British, or a national of the European Economic Area (EEA) in a civil partnership, Immigration rules require you to apply for a civil partnership visa to enter or remain in UK.
We Talk Law can advise you on financial agreements before beginning a civil partnership (similar to a prenuptial agreement) and in the case that a civil partnership breaks down, we can guide you on the best course of action to achieve dissolution of your civil partnership.
If you want to permanently end the civil partnership, you can apply to a court for a dissolution order. In this case, you must have been together in a civil partnership for at least one year, prove that the partnership has broken down permanently and that:
- your partner has behaved unreasonably
- you and your partner have lived apart for two years and both agree to the dissolution
- you and your partner have lived apart for at least five years, if only one of you agrees to the dissolution
- your partner deserted you (left the home against your wishes with no good reason) at least two years ago
Where a partner will not agree to the dissolution, you must seek legal advice.
We can also advise you on what to do when a civil partnership ends and you have parental responsibility (read more about child custody and contact) or you need to make financial arrangements or agree on division of assets.
If a civil partnership has broken down but you do not want to permanently dissolve the partnership, then our practising Family Law solicitors can advise you on how to obtain a separation order.
When your civil partnership does not meet legal conditions, you may want to apply for an annulment, giving the court the power to end the civil partnership. You must usually apply within three years of registering your civil partnership.
We Talk Law’s practising Family and Matrimonial Law solicitors provide confidential legal advice over the phone. To get the legal help you need, contact us on 0203 002 4898. We're open seven days a week, and can usually help you within the same day.
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- Call us for your free initial assessment, to tell us about your legal problem
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